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Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django

- [1.4. 2024]
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A step-by-step guide to building web applications with Python and Django 2.1.

Create, test, and deploy 5 progressively more complex websites including a Message Board app, a Blog app with user accounts, and a robust Newspaper app with reader comments and a complete user registration flow.

Along the way you'll learn core Django features and best practices around models, views, templates, urls, custom user models, permissions, authorizations, user registration, testing, and deployment.


Chapter 1: Initial Setup
Chapter 2: Hello World app
Chapter 3: Pages app
Chapter 4: Message Board app
Chapter 5: Blog app
Chapter 6: Forms
Chapter 7: User Accounts
Chapter 8: Custom User Model
Chapter 9: User Authentication
Chapter 10: Bootstrap
Chapter 11: Password Change and Reset
Chapter 12: Email
Chapter 13: Newspaper app
Chapter 14: Permissions and Authorizations
Chapter 15: Comments




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