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Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Goetheanizmus (AJ, NJ), ...

- [22.12. 2024]
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Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Goetheanizmus (AJ, NJ), ... - 1
Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Goetheanizmus (AJ, NJ), ... - 2
Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Goetheanizmus (AJ, NJ), ... - 3
Obrázok 1: Antroposofická veda

Stephen Edelglass, Georg Maier, Hans Gebert, John Davy: The Marriage of Sense and Thought, Imaginative Participation in Science - 12€
Wilhelm Pelikan: The secrets of Metals - 15€
Georg Unger: Forming concepts in physics - 15€
Julian Jaynes: The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind - 20€
Terry M. Boardman: Mapping the millenium (Behind the Plans od the New World Order) - 15€
Ernst-Michael Kranich: Thinking Beyond Darwin - 10€
Elisabeth Vreede: Astronomy and Spiritual science - 30€
Michael S.Schneider: A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe - 12€

Obrázok 2: Práca vo Waldorfskej škole, ...

Thomas Wildgruber: Painting and Drawing in Waldorf Schools - 15€
Christopher Clouder and Janni Nicol: Creative Play for your toddler - 15€
Liane Collot d'Herbois: Colour - A Textbook for Anthroposophical Groups - 12€
Johannes Rohen: Functional Threefoldness in the Human Organism and Human Society - 12€
Hella Loewe: Basic Sculptural Modeling: Developing the Will by Working with Pure Forms in the First Three Grades - 12€
Brunhild Muller: Painting with Children - 7€
Albert Soesman: Our twelve sense - 12€
W.F.Veltman: Menschentypen - Planetenwirkungen in der menschlichen Seele - 10€
Karl Konig: The first three years of the child - 9€
Christian von Wistinghausen, ... : The biodynamic spray and compost preparations production methods - 5€

Obrázok 3: Goeheanizmus, formotvorné sily, metamorfóza, ...

Peter Elsner: Metamorphosis in Nature and Art: The Dynamics of Form in Plants, Animals and Human Beings - 45€
Peter Elsner: Grundlagen zur Metamorphosengestaltung - 45€
Dorian Schmidt: Life Forces - Formative Forces - 20€
Henri Bortoft: The wholeness of Nature - 15€
Craig Holdrege: Thinking Like a Plant - 15€
Dorian Schmidt: Life Forces - Formative Forces - 20€
Jos Verhulst: Developmental Dynamics in Humans and Other Primates - 30€
Gerbert Grohmann: The Plant vol I - 10€
Gerbert Grohmann: The Plant vol II - 10€
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: Weeds and what they tell us - 7€
Walter Holtzapfel: The Human Organs their functional and psychological significance - 15€




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Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Rudolf Steiner, ... Antroposofia, Antropozofia, Rudolf Steiner, ... - [22.12. 2024]
Obrázok 1: Ivan O. Štampach: Anthroposofie - 3€ Paul Mackay: Rytmy Základního kamene - 3€ Peter Selg: Som za napredovanie - 6€ Rudolf Steiner: Friedrich Nietzsche, bojovník proti svojej dobe - 6€ Sergej O. Prokofjev: Karmické bádání Rudolfa Steinera - 4€ Obrázok 2: Rudolf Steiner: Hlavn ...

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