Sticker Fashionista: Vintage Style Kelly Smith
- [25.12. 2024]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať
Tretia kniha zo série Sticker Fashionista sa zaoberá módou v priebehu desaťročí od roku 1900 až po súčasnosť. S nádhernými ilustráciami úžasného oblečenia, od flappers z 1920. rokov cez grunge z 1990. rokov až po diskotéku zo 1970. rokov. Toto je prvá séria samolepkových módnych kníh, ktorá využíva súčasný štýl módnej ilustrácie. Nálepka Fashionista (12. jeseň) 9781780670171 Nálepka Fashionista: Rok v móde (13. jar) 9781780671130
Carries EU Toy Safety Directive 'CE' logo. The third book in the Sticker Fashionista series looks at fashion through the decades from 1900 to the present day. With gorgeous illustrations of amazing clothes, from 1920's flappers to 1990's grunge via 1970's disco. This is the first series of sticker fashion books that uses the contemporary style of fashion illustration.
Carries EU Toy Safety Directive 'CE' logo. The third book in the Sticker Fashionista series looks at fashion through the decades from 1900 to the present day. With gorgeous illustrations of amazing clothes, from 1920's flappers to 1990's grunge via 1970's disco. This is the first series of sticker fashion books that uses the contemporary style of fashion illustration.
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