Kniha pre kvalitárov: The IPC-A-610 Revision C, January 2000
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Kniha pre kvalitárov: The IPC-A-610 Revision C, January 2000, titled "Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies," is a critical standard developed by IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries). It provides comprehensive guidelines for the acceptance criteria of electronic assemblies, ensuring high quality and reliability in the manufacturing process.
Key Features and Topics
Component Orientation and Placement:
Detailed guidelines for the correct orientation and placement of electronic components on printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Criteria for acceptable solder joints and the positioning of components to ensure reliability and functionality.
Soldering Criteria:
Extensive criteria for evaluating the quality of solder joints, including through-hole, surface mount, and mixed technology.
Visual standards for acceptable and non-acceptable solder connections, addressing issues such as solder coverage, fillet height, and solder voids.
Mechanical Assembly:
Standards for the mechanical assembly of electronic components, including the mounting of connectors, cables, and other hardware.
Guidelines for securing components to prevent mechanical stress and damage during operation.
Cleanliness and Coating:
Requirements for the cleanliness of electronic assemblies to prevent contamination that could affect performance.
Standards for conformal coatings and encapsulation to protect assemblies from environmental factors.
Defect Classifications:
Classification of defects into three categories: Class 1 (General Electronic Products), Class 2 (Dedicated Service Electronic Products), and Class 3 (High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products).
Criteria for acceptable, process indicators, and non-acceptable conditions for each class to ensure appropriate quality levels for different applications.
Usage and Importance
The IPC-A-610 standard is widely used in the electronics industry by manufacturers, inspectors, and designers to:
Ensure consistent quality and reliability in electronic assemblies.
Provide a clear and standardized reference for evaluating workmanship.
Facilitate communication between customers and suppliers regarding assembly quality requirements.
Enhance training programs for assembly line workers and quality inspectors.
Pricing and Availability
To determine the current market price for the IPC-A-610 Revision C document, it's best to check:
IPC's Official Website: often sells their standards directly.
Technical Bookstores: Websites like Amazon or specialized bookstores may have listings for both new and used copies.
Second-Hand Marketplaces: Platforms such as eBay or AbeBooks might offer used versions of the standard at varying prices.
The prices can range from 50 to 150 EUR, depending on the condition and format (digital or print) of the document.
Key Features and Topics
Component Orientation and Placement:
Detailed guidelines for the correct orientation and placement of electronic components on printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Criteria for acceptable solder joints and the positioning of components to ensure reliability and functionality.
Soldering Criteria:
Extensive criteria for evaluating the quality of solder joints, including through-hole, surface mount, and mixed technology.
Visual standards for acceptable and non-acceptable solder connections, addressing issues such as solder coverage, fillet height, and solder voids.
Mechanical Assembly:
Standards for the mechanical assembly of electronic components, including the mounting of connectors, cables, and other hardware.
Guidelines for securing components to prevent mechanical stress and damage during operation.
Cleanliness and Coating:
Requirements for the cleanliness of electronic assemblies to prevent contamination that could affect performance.
Standards for conformal coatings and encapsulation to protect assemblies from environmental factors.
Defect Classifications:
Classification of defects into three categories: Class 1 (General Electronic Products), Class 2 (Dedicated Service Electronic Products), and Class 3 (High Performance/Harsh Environment Electronic Products).
Criteria for acceptable, process indicators, and non-acceptable conditions for each class to ensure appropriate quality levels for different applications.
Usage and Importance
The IPC-A-610 standard is widely used in the electronics industry by manufacturers, inspectors, and designers to:
Ensure consistent quality and reliability in electronic assemblies.
Provide a clear and standardized reference for evaluating workmanship.
Facilitate communication between customers and suppliers regarding assembly quality requirements.
Enhance training programs for assembly line workers and quality inspectors.
Pricing and Availability
To determine the current market price for the IPC-A-610 Revision C document, it's best to check:
IPC's Official Website: often sells their standards directly.
Technical Bookstores: Websites like Amazon or specialized bookstores may have listings for both new and used copies.
Second-Hand Marketplaces: Platforms such as eBay or AbeBooks might offer used versions of the standard at varying prices.
The prices can range from 50 to 150 EUR, depending on the condition and format (digital or print) of the document.
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