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Tales from King Arthur - Andrew Lang (v angličtine)

- [22.2. 2025]
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Tales from King Arthur - Andrew Lang (v angličtine) - 1
Tales from King Arthur - Andrew Lang (v angličtine) - 2
Knižka ako nová.

V angličtine.

Osobný odber v Bratislave, alebo pošlem poštou / Packetou, k cene treba pripočítať poštovné.


In this selection of tales by the master folklorist Andrew Lang, the reader is taken into the romantic world of the gallant Knights of the Round Table and their courageous and chivalrous deeds, fair maidens, castles steeped in history, the quest for the Holy Grail, and the tragic love of King Arthur and Sir Lancelot for Guinevere, and Tristan for Iseult.

The Arthurian legends are the most potent of the thrilling and mist-enshrouded tales of adventure to be passed down from pre-recorded history, and they have as much appeal today as they did in the ageo of the troubadours.




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Lokalita:Mapa851 04 Bratislava


85 ľudí


2 €
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