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Richard Hammond : On the Road

- [3.3. 2025]
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Predam novu knihu On the Road: Growing Up in Eight Journeys - My Early Years
An autobiography of "Top Gear" co-host Richard Hammond, told througheight significant road journeys he has taken In a new and very appropriate form of autobiography, Richard Hammond tells his life story through a series of significant driving episodes. He's a child in the back seat of Dad's car on the way to the seaside. He's on his first bike, a red one; then on his first motorcycle, a Honda MTX50. He's at the wheel of his first car, and with his first girlfriend. He is driving a furniture delivery van as part of his first job. Now he is showing off with a friend, risking everything. Then he is surging ahead in an open-top, a successful TV star. Next, a car crash that made national headlines.This is an emotional road map in which each chapter has its own registration number, and its own distinctive interior. This memoirsurges on to its destination, reversing or moving quickly through




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