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Julie Smith - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

- [6.3. 2025]
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Julie Smith - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? - 1
Julie Smith - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? - 2
A simple, positive, practical toolkit for better mental health, from clinical psychologist and TikTok star Dr Julie Smith

Drawing on her years of experience as a clinical psychologist, Dr Julie Smith's first book is a must-have handbook for instantly better mental health.

Filled with secrets from the therapy room, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? offerssimple advice, effective strategies and powerful coping techniques to help readers stay positive and resilient no matter what life throws their way.

Written in short, bite-sized entries, in Dr Julie's warm and informal style, a reader can turn straight to the appropriate section depending on the challenge being faced - and immediately find tools to help. From managing anxiety, dealing with criticism or battling low mood, to building self-confidence, finding motivation or learning to forgive yourself, and much more, this book tackles everyday issues that affect us all and offers easy, practical solutions that might just change your life.




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Lokalita:Mapa821 08 Bratislava


41 ľudí


8 €
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