Klasika v Anglickom jazyku
- [9.3. 2025]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať

William Shakespeare:A Midsummer night's dream-top stav
William Shakespeare:Richard III-top stav
The Oxford Shakespeare:Hamlet-top stav
The Oxford Shakespeare: Macbeth-top stav
William Shakespeare:Romeo and Juliet-top stav
Charles Dickens:Oliver Twist-top stav
Stephen Crane: The Teda Badge of Courage-top stav
John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress-top stav
Geoffrey Chaucer:The Canterbury Tales-top stav
Jonathan Swift:Gulliver's Travels-top stav
Emily Brontë:Wuthering Heights-top stav
Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe-top stav
Saul Bellow:Ravelstein-top stav
Edgar Allan Poe:Selected Tales-top stav
Charlotte Brontë:Jane Eyre-top stav
Styron: Sophie's Choice-top stav
Faulkner:As I lay Dying- pár riadkov podciarknutych zvyraznovacom
Henry James: Washington Square-top stav
George Eliot:Silas Marner-top stav
Ernest Hemingway:Men Without Women-par riadkov podciarknutych perom
Eugen O'Neill:The Emperor Jones-top stav
Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and The Sea-top stav
Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice-top stav
Jane Austen:Sense and Sensibility-top stav
Cena za kus
William Shakespeare:Richard III-top stav
The Oxford Shakespeare:Hamlet-top stav
The Oxford Shakespeare: Macbeth-top stav
William Shakespeare:Romeo and Juliet-top stav
Charles Dickens:Oliver Twist-top stav
Stephen Crane: The Teda Badge of Courage-top stav
John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress-top stav
Geoffrey Chaucer:The Canterbury Tales-top stav
Jonathan Swift:Gulliver's Travels-top stav
Emily Brontë:Wuthering Heights-top stav
Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe-top stav
Saul Bellow:Ravelstein-top stav
Edgar Allan Poe:Selected Tales-top stav
Charlotte Brontë:Jane Eyre-top stav
Styron: Sophie's Choice-top stav
Faulkner:As I lay Dying- pár riadkov podciarknutych zvyraznovacom
Henry James: Washington Square-top stav
George Eliot:Silas Marner-top stav
Ernest Hemingway:Men Without Women-par riadkov podciarknutych perom
Eugen O'Neill:The Emperor Jones-top stav
Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and The Sea-top stav
Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice-top stav
Jane Austen:Sense and Sensibility-top stav
Cena za kus
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